Marshalltown High School Bobcat
Marshalltown High School Class of 1998
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Classmate Details

Name:    Erica P Finch (Anders)
Current Location:    M'town, IA
Spouse's Name:    Travis
Children's Names & Birth Dates:   

Autumn 2004 Kyle 2006 Ashleigh 2006

Tell Us About Your Life Since Graduation:   

Travis and I got married in February of '99. We still live in Marshalltown. He has worked for his parents at the Isle of Green for 13 years. He works at the wholesale end of the business and delivers the plants to many places in Iowa. I went to school at MCC for a year and then decided I wanted to work at the family business too. I work at the wholesale end planting the flowers and then I work at the garden center as the assistant manager. We have three kids, a girl, Autumn(4) and twins, a boy and girl, Kyle and Ashleigh(almost 2).

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